Kennedy was a loyal, fierce friend and an awesome daughter.
She loved playing soccer, and she was known for being an incredible defender of her teammates on and off the field.
Kennedy loved all things Minion related and we watched Despicable Me over and over. She loved to bake, particularly when it was for someone’s birthday or just to brighten their day. Her brownies and her cupcakes were the best.
She was artistic and creative. She enjoyed doing crafts and painting. She created a totally whimsical fairy garden under the hollow of a bush in our yard. She hosted a Christmas in July for her cousins, who weren’t able to visit during the holidays. She bought a variety of bow ties for her dog Spot, which became his signature look.
Kennedy was often quiet and preferred to let others have the spotlight. But for those who loved her, we know she was incredibly intelligent and had an awesome dry sense of humor.
Kennedy lost her battle with her depression and anxiety in 2014 at the age of 19.
She died by suicide.
She was and always will be dearly missed.
Be at peace, our beautiful Kennedy.
The Amazing Campaign was started the year after Kennedy died.
Her best friend from high school, Jenna, her best friend from college, Jackie, and her sister, Connelly, were looking for a way to honor her memory and do something to celebrate what would have been her birthday.
Their intent was to spread kindness, just like Kennedy did.
So, the Amazing Campaign was created.
It featured T-shirts, hats and sweatshirts that had the word “amazing” on them, but backwards. It was printed backwards so when you wore them and looked in the mirror it would remind you of how amazing you are.
The Amazing Campaign supported many great causes, including the Black Poster Project, as well as organizations that help raise awareness about suicide and mental health. It was a seven-year labor of love. The Amazing Campaign closed in 2021. At its conclusion, remaining funds were donated to various organizations, one of them being The Black Poster Project.
To keep Kennedy’s and The Amazing Campaign’s memories alive, our Affirmation Mirrors were added to the displays.
Each mirror has a message for the person standing in front of it. You Are Loved, You Are Important, You Are Enough, You Are Kind, You Are Brave, You Are Amazing and last but not least . . . YOU MATTER!
Each mirror has been dedicated to someone lost to suicide.
It is our hope these amazing individuals and all lost to suicide will never be forgotten.
But also, we hope that you will never forget how AMAZING YOU ARE.
Kennedy & Connelly
Kennedy & Jenna
Jackie & Kennedy